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Summer Camp Ages 9 - 12

June 26, 2024

Please join us as we host our third annual Raiderettes The Studio Summer Kids Camp coming June 2024. This year’s theme will be “ Welcome to the Jungle” and we have a plan to extend Camp by an extra hour! This event will include two days of instruction ( 11:30am-5:00pm) here at Raiderettes The Studio ( 1395 Raiders Way, Ste. 100, Henderson, NV 89052). Camp will end with a final Performance Day at the Las Vegas Raiders Practice Facility, where family and friends are invited to watch ( starting at 5:00pm)


Junior Raiderettes Ages 5 - 12 (SOLD OUT)

August 16, 2024

Join the Second Annual Junior Raiderettes Program in Las Vegas, August 16th - August 17th.